Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Hearing aids offer significant benefits beyond just improving hearing ability. They can greatly enhance your overall quality of life by enabling better communication and participation in social activities. Research has shown that untreated hearing loss is associated with mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. By using hearing aids, you can maintain social connections, elevate your mood, and potentially even prevent cognitive decline while restoring cognitive function.

Yes. According to a 2007 survey conducted on hearing professionals, it was found that almost 60% of tinnitus patients reported relief when using hearing aids, with almost 25% experiencing significant relief. Tinnitus is often correlated with hearing loss, so if you are experiencing ringing in your ears, we recommend scheduling a hearing test with us to determine if hearing aids would be beneficial.

Experiencing feedback with your hearing aids? Don’t worry, it’s a common issue with simple solutions. Let’s explore some reasons for feedback and how to address them:

  • Contact: Sometimes, a quick burst of feedback occurs when your hearing aid gets bumped by a phone or displaced while hugging someone. It can also happen when a hat or scarf obstructs the sound waves entering your ear. Simply readjusting your hearing aid should resolve the issue.
  • High volume: Turning up the volume too loud increases the likelihood of feedback. If you frequently find yourself in situations where the volume is maxed out, consider scheduling an appointment to ensure proper adjustments.
  • Fit: Feedback may occur if your hearing aids don’t fit perfectly. Try removing and reinserting them to achieve a snug fit in your ear. If this doesn’t resolve the issue, we’re here to assist you further.

Remember, addressing feedback is usually straightforward, ensuring optimal performance and comfort with your hearing aids.

Certainly! We can easily perform a hearing aid adjustment or reprogramming for you. Simply visit our office, and our team will take care of it. It’s worth noting that many of the newer models offer multiple settings tailored for various hearing environments.

While research on the topic remains limited, several studies suggest that improved hearing can have a positive impact on the balance of individuals with hearing loss. In one study, participants demonstrated better performance in a series of balance tests when their hearing aids were activated, compared to when they were not. These findings highlight the potential benefits of utilizing hearing aids for balance enhancement.

Hearing aids are advanced technological devices, akin to computers or smartphones. On certain occasions, these devices may encounter issues that require troubleshooting. Fortunately, many of these situations can be easily resolved, such as a low battery. Every hearing aid relies on a battery, with its lifespan depending on the frequency of usage. Even rechargeable batteries will eventually need replacement. When the battery is low, it can result in various problems including diminished sound quality, weak audio output, or failure to turn on. Alternatively, dirty hearing aids can cause feedback, muffled sounds, and discomfort. To restore optimal functionality, it is recommended to establish a regular cleaning routine and seek professional cleanings annually.

Most hearing aids support iPhone and smartphone compatibility. Hearing aids with Bluetooth connectivity can be paired with smartphones, and there are various apps available that provide additional control over hearing aids. Moreover, certain hearing aid brands are designed to work effortlessly with iPhones and smartphones, enabling “hands-free” calls and stereo streaming of music and TV shows. These advanced hearing aids eliminate the need for a separate Bluetooth device, unlike other models. Visit us for a firsthand demonstration of this technology.

While it’s true that hearing aids with water resistance exist, it is not advisable to wear them while swimming. However, if you happen to forget taking them off in the shower or encounter a rainstorm, there is no need to panic. Nonetheless, it’s important to note that hearing aids function at their best in optimal conditions, specifically when they are clean and dry. Prolonged exposure to excessive water or moisture can potentially damage the internal electronic components of the hearing aids, and even promote the growth of bacteria on the exterior surface, thus posing health risks. To ensure the longevity of your hearing aids and maintain their performance, it is recommended to follow a few steps, such as utilizing a dehumidifier to eliminate moisture and storing the devices in a dry place during nighttime.

Establishing a regular maintenance routine for your hearing aids is crucial in optimizing their performance. Each day, gently wipe down your hearing aids and store them in their designated case or charger to safeguard against humidity and pet-related incidents. Additionally, we recommend following our provided cleaning techniques on a monthly basis. To guarantee continued suitability for your needs, we will send you a reminder card every 6 months for routine cleaning and check-ups.

While many hearing aids are now rechargeable, some still operate on battery power. Batteries have a limited lifespan, making it important to prioritize purchasing the most recent battery packs available and utilizing older ones first. It’s worth noting that many hearing aid batteries utilize zinc as their power source, so it’s crucial to adhere to the proper handling and storage instructions for zinc batteries. For example, once the activation tab is pulled, zinc batteries will start to discharge. However, by waiting for approximately five minutes after removing the tab before inserting them into your hearing aids, you may be able to extend their lifespan by up to three additional days. Additionally, remember to remove batteries from your hearing aids when not in use and store them in a clean, dry environment (avoid storing them in the freezer as this can actually accelerate battery drain).

We strongly recommend against discarding old hearing aids when they are no longer useful to you. Instead, consider donating them to a charitable cause. Organizations such as Lions Club International and the Starkey Hearing Foundation collect and refurbish donated hearing aids. These aids are then distributed to individuals with hearing loss who are unable to afford them. By donating your hearing aids, not only will you be assisting those in need, but you may also qualify for a tax deduction.