Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids

OTC (Over-The-Counter) hearing devices should not be considered equivalent to traditional hearing aids.

Recent studies indicate that even a mild decline in hearing can have adverse effects on overall health, including cognitive issues, mental well-being, and an increased risk of accidents and falls. Unfortunately, many individuals overlook the importance of addressing their hearing loss and shy away from seeking treatment, oftentimes citing the perceived high cost of hearing aids.

We understand the hesitation. Investing in hearing solutions requires careful consideration. That’s why, at Allen Audiology, we strive to assist our clients in finding affordable and tailored treatments for their specific needs.

Thankfully, advancements in technology have made hearing aids more accessible than ever before. For instance, lower-cost options, including over-the-counter amplifiers, can now be found in many pharmacies.

However, it is essential to exercise caution. While these devices are available without a prescription, attempting to self-treat your hearing loss may not yield desired results. Addressing hearing loss is a complex science, beginning with identifying the frequencies that require assistance.

For example, the clarity of speech comprehension is closely tied to factors such as proper device fitting, optimal settings, and sufficient amplification to address your specific hearing needs. That’s why the first crucial step should always entail a comprehensive hearing test.

Why do I need a hearing test?

Over-the-counter hearing aids may not provide sufficient amplification for certain types of hearing loss. To effectively restore clear hearing, it is important to initiate the process with a comprehensive hearing evaluation. This evaluation ensures the selection of an appropriate device tailored to your specific hearing needs and facilitates achieving an accurate “fit.” Both hearing aids and selected over-the-counter devices can be customized to address your particular hearing loss by programming them to target specific frequencies. However, without knowledge of the frequencies causing difficulty, you will be unable to fully benefit from this capability.

There's more than just volume involved.

Hearing aids are not simply miniature speakers; they serve a much broader purpose than amplifying sound. Comparable to prescription glasses, hearing devices require customized programming to address the specific frequencies that are no longer naturally audible. This aspect is crucial for achieving clear and precise hearing.

  • If the volume is increased indiscriminately across all frequencies, it can lead to discomfort and pain in the frequencies where you don’t have hearing loss. Moreover, this approach may even pose a risk of further damaging your hearing.
  • In cases where the device causes discomfort or pain, individuals may opt to stop wearing it. This not only translates to a waste of investment but also means that the underlying hearing loss is left untreated.
  • It’s worth noting that different consonants and vowels are pronounced at various frequencies. To comprehend speech effectively, all frequencies should be audible at equal volumes. Hence, if your hearing device is not programmed correctly, you may still struggle to hear conversations clearly.

A hearing test is the best starting point for anyone.

Advanced features.

Hearing aids offer several advantages that are not found in over-the-counter devices. Modern hearing aids utilize artificial intelligence to effectively suppress background noise and enhance focus on voices. Moreover, they can incorporate specialized features for managing tinnitus, synchronize with mobile phones or TVs, and even contain advanced functionalities like translation or health-tracking capabilities.

Hearing loss can affect your life.

Untreated hearing loss has been associated with significant health issues such as cognitive decline and depression, according to research. However, the impact on one’s health and quality of life may extend beyond these conditions. Studies have already shown that untreated hearing loss can lead to a rise in healthcare expenses by up to 40%. Further research suggests that receiving appropriate treatment can help restore mental acuity and enhance mental well-being. It is advisable to undergo a hearing test and ensure that your treatment aligns with your specific needs.